Fill Specialty Care Gaps…

with timely access from specialty physicians

Providing the best care at the right time can improve patient outcomes and lower healthcare costs. Our approach is ideal for facilities wanting to implement "value-based care" and to save money. 

Why nodSpecialists?

--nearly 100 facilities served (U.S.) and 40,000 patients a year
--patients seen 2x faster than the national average
--5 specialties
--4 value-based care services: patient telemedecine, peer-to-peer consults, post-discharge patient following, patient rounding (select areas)
-- multiple care settings: SNF, hospital, home health, rural clinics
-- our providers document visit notes in a facility's EMR

Telemedicine Consults Image

Acute Facilities

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  • Fill provider gaps AND save money: access specialists on a variable cost basis instead of fixed cost (salaried) providers
  • Reduce the risk of readmissions: board-certified specialists assist in a discharge plan to ensure a smooth transition to post-discharge
  • Fast discharge: quick access to specialists can speed up discharge and improve hospital profitability
  • Improve outcomes: rapid access to specialists can hasten the patient healing process
  • Ongoing care: our providers can stay connected to patients after they discharge from your facility

Post-Acute Facilities

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  • Reduce readmissions: fast access to specialists to resolve health concerns helps to avoid hospital readmissions
  • Rounding: in-person facility rounding is available in select areas
  • Change in condition: enjoy quick access to our specialists to help assess acute changes in a patient's condition
  • Minimize post-acute facility liabilities: faster access to a specialist means better regulatory compliance by managing medicine regulations, and accurate oversight of antibiotic prescriptions
  • Avoid patient transfers: timely access to a specialist can avoid the need, and cost, to transfer a patient to another facility which increases facility revenue
  • Ongoing care: nodMD specialists can stay connected to patients after they discharge from your facility

Care Gap Solutions

Solve rising specialist shortages and long wait times by allowing us to quickly connect your facility to qualified specialists.

Care Confidence

Our support helps facilities feel confident to accept higher acuity patients without worrying about increased readmission rates. Our clinical support provides 24/7 on-call accessibility and supports your staff and patients.


If your facility already has a telehealth platform, we can use it. If you haven’t yet settled on telemedicine technology, you’ll find ours is easy-to-use and rich with premium features.

Give us the nod